
puppies and poopy diapers

Hey! Today was a glorious Saturday. The new hubby and I went to his mother's and worked in the yard. It was a beautiful day for gardening and whatnot. However, now, I am exhausted. My back hurts and I could fall asleep in my chair.

I am now waiting on my dinner(we ordered pizza) while the new hubby is now doing OUR yardwork. Poor thing. We women are slave drivers. Nah, he chose to stay outside and be a boy. He is planning on having a friend over and they are going to sit outside and have a fire and drink BEER, you know the drink I can no longer enjoy until after the baby comes and maybe even longer than that. It kinda stinks too, because yard work makes me crave a beer and a smoke(can't do that anymore either). I won't really complain about the smoking thing though, I always said I would quit when I have kids. I don't want them smelling like cigarette smoke. In that case, I always have the option of sneaking one while I am out.

So, had a chat with my mom tonight. I really miss her. I think I spoiled myself being so close while I was in Atlanta. Now, not having her is killing me. I also don't have Murph dog, whom I really miss. I went from a house with 3 pets, to a house with one and now to a house with none. BUT, I did gain a husband and a "bun in the oven". HA, I have always wanted to use that phrase. Hubby promises that after the baby comes, that I can get a puppy(if I still want one). Trying to potty train a puppy and change poopy diapers, might be tougher than I expect. I will have to let you know how that one goes.

I should probably run. I need to clean up before supper.


lolamae at 7:36 p.m.

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