

Someone told me today, that they were concerned that I was jumping into another relationship. They said that I should be single and be independent for a while. I decided to look up exactly what the word "independent" means.

This is what I found.

in�de�pend�ent [ �ndi p�ndənt ]


1. not controlled by another: free from the authority, control, or domination of somebody or something else, especially not controlled by another state or organization and able to self-govern

2. able to function by itself: able to operate or stand on its own because not dependent on another
Each wheel has an independent suspension system.

3. self-supporting: not forced to rely on another for money or support

First of all, I believe I am very independent. I will admit however, that this has been recently accomplished. Yes, I live with Holly, but if I had to, I am positive I could find some place to live with no problem. I left my ex with no help, I pay my bills with no help, and I found my job with no help. These are huge accomplishments in my book. So, for someone to tell me I am NOT independent, I would say they might want to take a closer look.

Now, if they are making this judgement because I am jumping into another relationship, there are other factors to look at. Yes, I am recently divorced, but what is so wrong with wanting to be in a relationship? Especially, if I am happy with this relationship. I, personally, don't want to be single. I don't enjoy being alone. I want to have someone to talk with and love and share life's pleasures with. I don't necessarily think that makes me dependent on anyone or anything for that matter.

In summary, I am the only one who knows what is right for me. I think being happy is one of the most important aspects in a person's life. I am independent, but more than anything, I want to be happy. And being happy, for me, is sharing life with family AND the man I love.

Love until later,

lolamae at 12:42 p.m.

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