
MY office

Dear D,

Well, I am officially sitting in MY office this morning. Yesterday was my trainer's last day with me. It is so great. The furniture is beautiful and I have this really awesome lamp that I can't even begin to explain. The only problem for the past few days is that it was really messy and DUSTY. I swear I don't think anyone has dusted in years. So, I stopped and picked up one of those swiffer dusters and some clorox wipes. Now it is all nice and clean. I also moved some things around to make it prettier(not that it could get much prettier)

Things are fine with Grizz and I now. Like I said before, it was all a misunderstanding. THANK GOD.

Well, I have been here for an hour now and still no work to do. I guess I should at least get some reading in. I still haven't finished the fifth Harry Potter.

Love until later,

lolamae at 8:47 a.m.

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